Saturday, 10 July 2010

Another stepping stone.....

So, to catch up a bit.  Right after my appointment we moved the family to Illinois.  Not knowing what the next 2 months would bring us.  But, I'll tell you... despite our happiness towards an exciting Italian Citizenship (almost) end, life brought us another challenge, a challenge that would put our love as a family to the test.  We mooved from Florida to a small town in Illinois, my husband lost his job, the home we were going to rent was a wreck and it's landlord told us we could fix it up bit by bit as out of pocket (I'm NOT kidding!!), and  we had NO money left.  The moving costs were $3000 alone and we did it ourselves of course.
But at least I still had my job, on a part-time basis now, which I did from home, let me rephrase that, my mom's basement is more like it.  Yes, right after finding out we were homeless, my mom offered us her basement, and so we took it.  Now, most people would say, a basement is not bad, and believe me it's not when there's NO mold growing from the walls, carpet, bathroom and doors.  
But, it's safe to say that 3 weeks ago we made a 3 hour 25 minutes trip to Chicago and its suburbs to find a new place to call home.  We found a great place just 30 minutes away from Chicago, but it's on the suburbs.  We are far away from the craziness but close enough to it's entertainment.  My husband was able to find work, and I am happy to report that we are SETTLED again!!!

Now back to the process....
Right after my appointment my aunt was able to send me the NO citizen document from Argentina, which upon arrival, I forwarded to Virginia. 
Also 3 weeks after the appointment, I called the clerk of courts in Miami for the 18th time, but this time around I was helped by someone who knew exactly what I needed.  She said they had a form called "Statement of NO Appeal", and all I needed to do in order to obtain it was to: 
1. Request it in writing,  
2.  Send a $7 money order, and   
3.  Include a self stamped envelope.  
All of which I did, and 2 weeks later I had the document in my hands which I made a copy of and then rushed to the post office to mail it.
Now, with all this craziness happening, I also had Virginia calling me. She said 2 things, 
1.  The Statement of NO Appeal had to be translated and 
2.   The certificate of NO citizen had to be stamped by the Italian consulate in Argentina.  
She then sent me back such certificate so that it could be forwarded to Argentina one more time to be stamped by the consulate over there.
And that's exactly what was done.  Now I am awaiting for my aunt to get that document stamped and sent back to me in order for me to send it to Virginia.
In the meantime, my mom's certificate/Statement of NO appeal is being translated as we speak.  I will then forward that to Virginia as well.

I think that's it for now, it took me an hour to catch up on 2 1/2 months of living history.
Well,  hopefully on the next update I'll be able to write: Just waiting for the certificate............

Arrivederci e buona notte

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